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Making a Donation
Thank you for helping to keep Angel Radio on-air.
There are lots of ways to donate.
If you have any questions please email:

Angel Radio
We are always delighted to receive cheques made out to -
'Angel Radio' and posted to -
21 North Street, Havant, Hampshire PO9 1UN
PayPal is an easy way to donate. Simply click the photo above.
Your donation is instantly transferred to our funds.
Cash Donation

You are very welcome to pop into our studios in Havant.
Please check before you visit that we will be open.
Call free on 0800 014 1955 to save a wasted journey.

Bank Transfer
You can transfer money directly from your bank to Angel's bank
Here are our bank details for Credit Transfers / BACS / etc.
Name: Angel Radio Limited
Bank: HSBC, 312 London Road, Waterlooville, Hants PO7 7DX
Sort Code: 40 – 23 – 20
Account No: 31366017
IBAN: GB13HBUK40232031366017
Branch Identifier Code: HBUKGB4133H
Monthly Donation
Angels for Angel is a monthly standing order so that you can
instruct your bank to send £5 / £10 / or whatever you wish automatically each month. You can cancel at any time.
Gift Aid
If you make a donation to Angel Radio, and you are a British taxpayer, please consider completing a Gift Aid form as it will
enable us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate, and it
won't cost you anything.
Whichever method you use to donate .. Thank you
for helping to keep the music and memories alive.

Tony Smith
Station Founder

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